Philodendron polypodioides tortum?!

Philodendron polypodioides tortum?!

Recently, we have been seeing increasingly confusing reports about the Philodendron polypodioides. This is a breathtaking plant with beautiful, slender leaves with deep indentations. This graceful houseplant is sometimes referred to as Philodendron tortum. They look very similar, but are completely different. Both in value and rarity! Would you like to know more about this extremely rare plant? Then read on!

Where does the polypodioides come from?

The Philodendron polypodioides was discovered in 1959 by Jonker-Verhoef&Jonker and the plant was first described in 1966. The plant was described during an expedition, during which a number of other species were incorrectly named or confused with each other. So they had to be renamed.

What does the Philodendron polypodioides look like?

The separate Philodendron polypodioides is similar in appearance to the Philodendron tortum, but there are clear differences when you look closely. For example, the tortum grows much more compactly and less wide than the Philodendron polypodioides. The polypodioides also has flatter leaves and a more feathery leaf, which consists of 3 divided parts.

Extremely rare plant

The Philodendron polypodioides is extremely rare due to its very slow growth. At first, we had far fewer plants of this plant, but we started multiplying it slowly by cuttings. Growing from seed is not ideal, because the plant grows so very slowly. Taking cuttings is then often the only way to multiply the plant.

Would you rather admire this plant in the flesh? Then come to the physical shop on Friday between 09:30 and 12:30 or to the outdoor sale in Nederweert-Eind on 11 and 12 June between 10:00 and 15:00!