Kamerplanten cadeau met Kerst

Houseplants gift with Christmas

After Christmas twice in a row during the pandemic, this year it is expected that we can enjoy this beloved party again. And at a party that symbolizes the birth of the Son of God, we can of course also enjoy what the Creator has made: special house plants. But even if you are not a believer, Christmas is a fantastic party to give plants as a gift. They color through your house all year round and transform your house into a beautiful tropical rainforest.

Do you not yet know what kind of plant you can give? Find the inspiration here!

Jewel orchid

A common gift during holidays (especially for the partner) is a jewel. After a number of times a perfume, jewel and Rituals, it feels increasingly impersonal. If you are asked "what did you get from your partner this year?" Then it often doesn't feel nice to respond that you have received a common gift again.

A plant named after a jewel is of course special. This orchid is known for its special leaves. They sparkle and the plant itself remains compact. An excellent gift if you don't know if someone has a lot of room for it!


The Syngonium Is also a houseplant that remains compact and is easy to maintain. There are very playful colors of finding, but also ordinary green. These plants are nice to put in a terrarium or old fish bowl, because then they often grow very fast. The leaves will not be as great as those of one Philodendron Or some alocasias, but that makes this plant no lesser eye -catcher in the room. Moreover, many syngoniums also have very nice names, such as the Syngonium Milk Confetti, Syngonium Panda and the Syngonium Mottled. A real party among the plants!


Philodendrons are very popular among the house plants. They are often easy and there are many different species in it! The leaf shapes, colors and varietal versions run so far that some Philodendrons have recently been given a name.


Most Monstera's are easy in the care. So it is often a good beginner plant. So don't you know so well whether the one you want to give a plant has experience with tropical house plants? Then this is a very good option. Of course there are beautiful Varegata versions, but also green hole plants. So something for everyone!