Hoe pot ik mijn kamerplanten op?

How do I pot my house plants?

Potting a plant is often needed after a while. Yet many people make a crazy choice when they suddenly start potting plants. For example, they grab universal potting soil in ignorance and put their plant in it. Why does my plant die, when the potting soil is universal? Unfortunately, that is because such a universal potting soil is not that universal. Do you want to know how you can best put your plant in a good way? Then read on!

When should I put my plant on?

A plant must get a larger pot when the roots of the plant have filled the pot and/or the roots begin to escape from the pot. Then choose a pot that is 1.2 times as large as the pot where the plant is now. Then the plant gets the right space to grow, but you also prevent root rot. Then put a small layer with your potting soil mix in the new pot (read more for the right composition). Then place the plant that you have removed from the old pot in the new pot and remove a small layer of the old potting soil at the top. Then fill the new potting soil around the plant and add a small layer on top. Do not press too hard, but so that the plant does not fall over. Then give a little bit of water. If it runs out immediately, you can give some water again after fifteen minutes, because then the potting soil will absorb the water well.

Tip: never put a plant directly in a decorative pot, but first put it in a plastic or terracotta pot, where you put the decorative pot around it. In this way the plant grows better and you can better keep track of the water. And don't put hydro pellets in the pot where you put the plant and mix. This is not good for the plant, despite the fact that many garden centers claim. A plant does not make this happy. You can put hydro granules under the pot to ensure that the plant does not stand in a layer of water and to increase the humidity around the plant.

How do I put the right potting soil together for my house plants?

  1. Potting soil mix forPhilodendron, Monstera and Epipremnum

Most Philodendrons, Monstera'S and empip brake nums love a somewhat airy soil, but that enough water and nutrients can record. To ensure better drainage, you can add Perlite. Most plants of these genera therefore also like the following composition:

1/3 Perliet granules
1/3 Coarse coconut fibers
1/3 peat

In the growing period you can supplement this with a little plant food once every two weeks during the water. Or by one foodstick insert in the potting soil mix.

  1. Potting soil mix forAnthurium

Anthuriums have a very different kind of roots than Philodendrons, MonsteraFor example, or epiprenums. They are often a bit thicker and of a lighter color. They prefer to grow in a somewhat coarser soil. Often part of the orchid ground is added and the mixture is kept very airy. A good composition that works for most Anthuriums is the following:

1/4 Perliet granules
1/8 coarse stones
1/8 orchid ground
1/4 coarse coconut fibers
1/4 peat

So you can see that the basis of this potting soil mix is ​​very similar to those of the Philodendrons, but that there are still important additions that specifically ensure better growth of the roots of an anthurium.

  1. Potting soil mix for orchids

Most orchids can only grow on orchid land. Based on which orchid species it is, sphagnum moss can also be mixed through it. This influences the drainage. Orchid species that like to be a little more moist or in a slightly firmer mixture, are also happy to be in some moss. However, orchids cannot be in peat, perlite or coconut! It may be that some people have succeeded, but we do not recommend it because it is not good for the health of the orchid.

  1. Potting soil mix forJewel orchids

We have already tested everything with jewelery orchids in terms of substrate for 15 years. But from our experience they grow the best in Mos. They like to carrot and they don't just rot. These plants love rainwater or osmosis water with occasional a little nutrition During the growing period.

  1. Potting soil mix forSyngonium

Sygoniums can be in moss and in Philodendron Ground soil. But they also do well in a bell jar or one terrarium. They like to grow in a room with a somewhat higher humidity and with sufficient light. But keep the mixture a bit airy so that the roots can get oxygen, because this plant does not like wet feet. But the soil should not dry out too quickly. The syngonium is easy to prune and keep small. Leaves grow from the leaf box of an older leaf. It is therefore possible to keep this plant in a terrarium.


Hopefully these tips have helped choose the right approach to your plants easily and in the right way in the pots.

Do you have a different type of plant and do you not yet know how to best mix the potting soil? Then mail to:info@plantique.shop