Aankondiging: buitenverkoop 2022!

Announcement: outdoor sales 2022!

After the success of last year, we plan to organise an outdoor sale again this year, at our location. Here, plants will be offered for sale that normally can only be ordered through the webshop. But there will also be species that will be leaving at a much lower price, for example due to clearance or special action. You can also ask for advice and see the plants in person.
The outdoor sale will take place in the course of June, during the weekend.

What can you expect?
With the outdoor sale, we focus on a large part of the assortment, but there will also be plants present that we normally do not offer. For instance, there will be other types of house plants on display and there will even be a bruising corner. These plants would otherwise not be sold. So if you are looking for an affordable plant, a refurbishment or something really special, come along on 11 and 12 June!
The outdoor sale is open on both days from 10:00 to 15:00.

Looking back at 2021
In 2021 we held an outdoor sale at the end of the summer. This was necessary because of the corona rules. We were not allowed to receive anyone inside the shop, as is now standard practice on Friday mornings.
But because it was a great success, we wanted to do it again this year and announce it earlier, so that you don't miss it.

Moreover, in 2021 the most common remark was that we had too few orchids, and that people thought this was a pity. This was due to poor communication from our side and because we had only made an announcement about the dates just before the buten sale.
We will not sell orchids outside again this year. We will focus on green plants and rare tropical jewel orchids (leaf orchid) at the stalls.

There will be all sorts of different plants, such as Jewel Orchids Syngoniums, Philodendrons, Monsteras, Begonias, Epipremnums, Platyceriums and Anthuriums.

So write the dates 11 and 12 June in your agenda. The outdoor sale will be held at the Leveroysedijk 3 in Nederweert-Eind between 10:00 and 15:00.
Besides plants, you can also come here for a chat and a cup of coffee. Nothing nicer than talking to plant lovers, is there?

If you are interested in special plants in the shop, we are open every Friday between 09:30 and 12:30. 

Do you have any questions about the outdoor sale? Please mail to info@plantique.shop

For news and updates on the outdoor sale, please visit the Claessen Orchids and Plants facebook page and instagram.